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VSB Seeks Comment on Amendments to Rule 1.5 Regarding Nonrefundable Legal Fees

Posted on 8/30/2024
The Virginia State Bar seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Rule 1.5, Fees. The proposal adds a new paragraph (g) and new comments [10] and [11].


Volunteers Sought for VSB Disciplinary Board 2025

Posted on 8/29/2024
Three volunteer attorneys are needed to serve on the VSB Disciplinary Board beginning on July 1, 2025.


VSB Seeks Comment on Changes to Remote Participation Policy

Posted on 8/8/2024
The Virginia State Bar seeks public comment on proposed amendments to the VSB Council’s “Policy on Individual Remote Participation in Meetings and All-Virtual Meetings.”


Opportunity for July 2024 Bar Examinees to Be Paid to Take the NextGen Prototype Bar Exam

Posted on 8/7/2024
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) will conduct a nationwide prototype administration of the NextGen bar exam, which is currently under development and will debut in July 2026. The mock exam will take place on October 18–19 in Richmond.


VSB Seeks Comment on Providing Free Billing Software to Members

Posted on 8/5/2024
The Virginia State Bar (VSB) seeks public comment on proposed VSB provision of free legal billing software to members. The proposal is designed to be revenue and cost neutral for the VSB.


VSB News August 2024

Posted on 8/1/2024
The VSB News monthly email was sent to all Virginia lawyers on July 31, 2024.


VSB Committee Seeks Input to Study Anticipated Declines in Numbers of Practicing Virginia Lawyers

Posted on 7/31/2024
The VSB seeks lawyer participation in a survey to understand better what factors influence where attorneys decide to practice.


DMAS Updates Procedures Concerning Lien Determinations, Updates, and Reduction Requests

Posted on 7/25/2024
DMAS and OAG are reverting their policies and procedures respecting DMAS lien requests, for those requests made by email on or after April 1, 2024, back to the pre-pandemic format.


Violating the Social Security Act: What Lawyers Should Know

Posted on 7/15/2024
Section 1140 of the SSA consumer protection section of the Social Security Act prohibits attorneys from giving the false impression that they or their firm are endorsed by the SSA.


Virginia Law Foundation Awards $714,000 in 2024 Grants to Law-Related Projects

Posted on 7/11/2024
Powered by the generosity of Virginia's lawyers and legal community, the Virginia Law Foundation (VLF) awarded $714,199.77 to 35 organizations across the state.

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