July 15, 2024

Violating the Social Security Act: What Lawyers Should Know 

The Office of the Inspector General of the Social Security Administration reminds lawyers that Section 1140 of the consumer protection section of the Social Security Act prohibits attorneys from giving the false impression that they or their firm are endorsed or recommended by the Social Security Administration (SSA).  

Examples of fraudulent activity include websites, billboards, print, or television ads making such a claim; signs at a law office that give this false impression; mail that appears to originate from the SSA; telephone marketing regarding Social Security benefits that implies lawyers are working with the SSA regarding benefits; and phone calls or messaging that lead people to believe they are communicating with a Social Security office.  

Section 1140 also prohibits the reproduction or sale of Social Security forms and publications without authorization, and charging  for services that the SSA provides for free without giving proper notice.  

Lawyers may visit www.oig.ssa.gov for further information