May 28, 2024

Senior Lawyers Conference's Civility and Professionalism Film Receives Positive Reviews

Civility and Professionalism video thumbnail.The Virginia State Bar’s May 2024 Newsletter reported on the availability of the film Civility and Professionalism in a Successful Litigation Practice — Mentorship from the Bench and Bar on the VSB’s website for two hours of MCLE Ethics credit. Production of the film by the Senior Lawyers Conference required several years of work as well as the generous financial support of the Virginia Law Foundation and the annual budgets of the VSB Litigation Section and the SLC. Kevin Kertscher and Big Ocean Studios provided expert scripting, directing, videography, and editing work on this project.

The SLC had an ambitious goal of creating a film that would be engaging, entertaining, and inspirational as well as informative. While the film has only been available as a free, on-demand course for a few weeks, it has already received a number of positive reviews from Virginia lawyers, including the following:

"This was one of the best programs I have ever attended. Should be mandatory viewing by all new lawyers admitted to practice in Virginia."

“… I particularly found the hypotheticals interesting and useful, especially as they related to mentoring new attorneys. This was one of the better ethics CLEs so I am glad that I took it.”

“I thought this was a very well-done topic and long overdue. In the 33 years I have practiced as a criminal defense attorney in both Canada and USA, I have watched courtesy towards other attorneys, court clerks and the Judges greatly diminish. A number of excellent points were brought out in this CLE which I wholeheartedly agree with. Additionally, it was a nice change from the usual ethics CLE!”

To access the webinar and earn MCLE credit, register on the Go To Webinar webpage.