Professional Development Series

The Professional Development Series (PDS) is a weekly podcast series devoted to new attorneys and young lawyers. The PDS will present programs covering basic skills training, introducing the business of the law, educating on mental health issues, and showcasing long term career options. Programs come from a variety of sources locally and from around the country.

Programming comes from the VSB Young Lawyers Conference, the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division, and other sources with their permission.

Streamline and Focus

Posted on 4/9/2024
We all have our own unique challenges in our writing craft, but some writing challenges are such a besetting problem in the legal writing process that they merit some focused attention. This article focuses on two.

Welcome Back, PDC!

Posted on 6/23/2021
The Professional Development Conference (“PDC”) returned this year with a virtual bang. First introduced in 2001, the PDC was uniquely tailored to meet the burgeoning professional needs of newly admitted attorneys with a focus on practical tips.

Appellate Advocacy

Posted on 11/10/2020
Your clients have the right to appeal their trial verdicts to the appellate level but do you know how to advocate in front of these courts?

Bankruptcy Law

Posted on 11/10/2013
The practice of bankruptcy contains many details that are not intuitive and many deadlines that could cost your client.

Contract Drafting

Posted on 3/3/2013
You have taken one or two semesters (maybe more) on contracts and everything that happens in a contract dispute. How do you draft a contract with the proper complexity and simplicity balance?

Client Interviewing

Posted on 3/2/2013
First impressions matter, especially with clients. A good initial client interview can set up a productive and positive attorney-client relationship.

Civility and the Courtroom

Posted on 3/1/2013
Your behavior in a courtroom is not always about getting the best for your client now but also setting up for victory for your future clients. Keeping your cool and treating everyone with respect and dignity builds your reputation the right way.

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