Pending | paragraphs 24 & 25 regarding Real Estate Settlement Agents Regulations and Legal Aid Societies.

February 25, 2021

The proposed Paragraph 24 regarding Real Estate Settlement Agents (RESA) Regulations, below, has been postponed for consideration by Council. The proposed Paragraph 25 regarding Legal Aid Societies, will be considered by Council as a new Paragraph 24 as its February meeting.

November 13, 2020

Proposed Additions to the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, Paragraphs 24 & 25, regarding Real Estate Settlement Agents (RESA) Regulations and Legal Aid Societies, respectively.

These proposed additions to the Rules of Court add two new paragraphs to Part 6, Section IV, concerning the Integration of the State Bar, by replicating regulations currently included in the Virginia Administrative Code (VAC). If adopted by the Supreme Court, the VSB will seek to remove the regulations from the VAC.

The additions are meant to remove regulations pertaining to lawyers and the practice of law from the Administrative Code in favor of the Court’s Rules.

Proposed Paragraph 24, concerning RESA, is a nearly verbatim duplication of the language found in the VAC at 15VAC5-80-10, et. seq. Proposed Paragraph 25 regarding Legal Aid Societies is a substantially similar duplication of the language found in the VAC at 15VAC5-10-10, et seq. Minor edits to proposed Paragraph 25 were made at the request of the Legal Services Corporation of Virginia.

Inspection and Comment

The proposed opinion may be inspected below.

Any individual, business, or other entity may file or submit written comments in support of or in opposition to the proposed opinion with Karen A. Gould, executive director of the Virginia State Bar, not later than January 8, 2021. Comments may be submitted via email to [email protected].

The language of the two paragraphs can be found in the documentation below with deletions indicated with strikethrough and insertions underlined.

view proposed Paragraph 24 regarding Real Estate Settlement Agents (RESA) Regulations (PDF) Consideration postponed.

view proposed Paragraph 25 regarding Legal Aid Societies (PDF) Now proposed Paragraph 24.

Updated: February 25, 2021, to explain the postponement of the new paragraph regarding Real Estate Settlement Agents (RESA) Regulations
Updated: January 20, 2021, to remove the comment deadline
Originally posted November 13, 2020