VSB Seeks Court Approval on Legislative Activity

November 8, 2023

A petition requesting approval to support policy, budgetary, and related legislative activity was sent to the Supreme Court of Virginia for approval on November 8, 2023.

View the petition to the Court.

October 17, 2023 

At its meeting on October 13, 2023, VSB Council Council unanimously approved the VSB Access to Legal Services Committee’s request to support of the recommendations of the Virginia Child Dependency Legal Representation Workgroup, as convened by the Office of the Children’s Ombudsman, to improve the quality of legal representation in certain child dependency cases. The request to support policy, budgetary, and related legislative activity will be presented to the Supreme Court of Virginia for approval. 

The petition to the Court will be posted here after it is sent.

September 14, 2023

VSB Seeks Comment on Legislative Activity

The Virginia State Bar (VSB) is seeking public comment on proposed VSB engagement in legislative activity, pursuant to Section IV, Part 6, Paragraph 9(J) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, in the 2024 General Assembly Session.  

On August 31, 2023, the Access to Legal Services Committee (Access Committee) voted unanimously to request VSB leadership’s support of the recommendations of the Virginia Child Dependency Legal Representation Workgroup, as convened by the Office of the Children’s Ombudsman, to improve the quality of legal representation in certain child dependency cases. At the October 13, 2023, VSB Council meeting, the Access Committee will request Council to authorize the VSB, with the approval of the Supreme Court of Virginia, to support policy, budgetary, and related legislative activity as follows: 
1. Increase compensation, from the current rate of $90/hour with a cap of $120 per petition, for court-appointed legal counsel for parents in certain child-dependency cases; 
2. Establish a state-level commission or similar office to provide support, training, qualification, practice standards, and oversight for court-appointed counsel for parents in certain child-dependency cases; and 
3. Appropriate funds to establish and launch pilot multidisciplinary offices for certain child dependency cases and parents’ defense, to serve diverse jurisdictions of the Commonwealth. 
Any individual, business, or other entity may submit written comments in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendments with Crista Gantz, Director of Access to Legal Services of the Virginia State Bar, by close of business October 9, 2023. Comments may be submitted via email to [email protected]