January 5, 2021

Get on the Ballot for Bar Council Elections

VSB Council, the Virginia State Bar’s governing body, will hold its annual elections by electronic ballot in April 2023 for terms beginning July 1.

Virginia lawyers who wish to be on the ballot must be active members in good standing of their circuit as of March 13, 2023. 

Make sure your contact information is current in the VSB’s records before March 15 to ensure that you are eligible to run and to vote in your circuit – and that you receive the ballot.

In order to run, a lawyer must:

  • file a nominating petition signed by not fewer than ten other members eligible to vote in the circuit,
  • write a statement of qualifications not exceeding 150 words,* and
  • provide a digital headshot.**

File these three things with the executive director at [email protected] on or before March 24, 2023. 

In the statement, describe what is it about your background that makes you well suited to the position and what you hope to accomplish as a member of Bar Council. View an example of what voters see.

Council members may serve two 3-year terms but must be re-elected to serve a 2nd term. The chart below shows which circuits have seats available for election.

Judicial Circuit Vacancies
1 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
2 2 seats (1 incumbent is not eligible for re-election; 1 incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
1 seat (1 incumbent is not eligible for re-election)
7 1 seat (1 incumbent is not eligible for re-election)
9 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
10 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
11 1 seat (incumbent not seeking re-election for 2nd term)
13 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
14 2 seats (1 incumbent is not eligible for re-election; 1 incumbent is eligible for 1st full-term)
15 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 2nd term)
18 1 seat (incumbent is eligible for 1st full-term)
19 5 seats (1 incumbent is not eligible for re-election; 1 incumbent not seeking re-election for 2nd term; 3 incumbents are eligible for 2nd term)
20 1 seat (incumbent is not eligible for 2nd term)
25 1 seat (incumbent is not eligible for 2nd term)

 * Please do not send statements in pdf form. Use a text program like Word or write directly into the body of the email in a way that allows for easy copy and paste.

** Please do not send a headshot that is in-line or embedded in the email or statement. Rather, attach it to the email in JPEG/JPG/PNG format. The photo should preferably be just your head and shoulders.