Virginia Lawyer Magazine

Virginia Lawyer magazine (including the previously separate Virginia Lawyer Register) is the official publication of the Virginia State Bar and is distributed to lawyers, judges, general subscribers, law libraries, other state bar associations, and the media. Total circulation is about 50,000. The magazine is published in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Each issue contains substantive articles on legal subjects, informational pieces about the bar and bar activities, letters to the editor, professional notices, rule changes, ethics opinions, disciplinary actions, classified ads, and advertisements. See the digital edition archive online.

Editorial Calendar

In addition to regular columns, news, and updates on bar members and activities, each issue includes feature articles that focus on a specific area of the law.

  • October 2024 - Pro Bono / Access to Legal Services
  • December 2024 - Environmental Law
  • February 2025 -Young Lawyers Conference
  • April 2025 - Health Law
  • June 2025 -Senior Lawyers Conference
  • August 2025 - Annual Meeting
  • October 2025 - Pro Bono / Access to Legal Services
  • December 2025 - Criminal Law

Contact Editor Deirdre Norman to plan your article.

See below for information about advertising or download our 2024 rate card.

Read the latest issue

current Virginia Lawyer Magazine issue cover

Subscribe, Write, or Advertise


A one-year subscription to Virginia Lawyer is $22. Checks should be made payable to the Virginia State Bar.
Send check to:

Virginia State Bar Communications
1111 East Main Street, Suite 700
Richmond, Virginia 23219-0026

Content Contributors

Policy on Content of Publications of Virginia State Bar Committees, Sections, Conferences, and Virginia Lawyer (includes letter to the editor guidelines).

Submit a Professional Notice by email.
Professional notices are free to VSB members and may be edited for length and clarity.

Virginia State Bar Style Book (pdf)
This style guide offers general information on writing, punctuation, word usage, and a number of other issues that have come up as we read and edit copy submitted to us for publication in Virginia Lawyer magazine. It is intended to assist the staff of the bar and our writers.

Noteworthy/VSB News deadlines are generally seven weeks before the publishing dates listed above.

Substantive article deadlines are generally two months before the publishing dates listed above.


Circulation and Readership

The total circulation of the publication is about 50,000. It is distributed to all licensed Virginia attorneys, judges, bar groups, and law schools, and in many cases is retained as a permanent resource in law libraries. The magazine is archived by Hein Online and on our website as well, allowing lawyers and the public to access articles long after publication. Similarly, for advertisers, their ads remain as active links to their websites in the digital editions of Virginia Lawyer.

Advertising Policy

  • Virginia Lawyer reserves the right to review all ad copy before publication, and to edit or reject material that is deemed unsuitable.
  • The VSB will not accept advertising by or on behalf of candidates for public office, candidates for state or local Bar offices, or advertising advocating positions on political or social issues.
  • A signed contract and insertion order must follow all verbal orders.
  • Prepayment is required for all first-time advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to require full payment prior to any insertions.
  • A contract may be cancelled upon written notice received on or before each issue’s space closing date. The rate will be adjusted to that earned by the actual number of insertions used.
  • Please see electronic file requirements under specifications and preparation.

Advertising Rates

Classified Ad Rates

Classified advertisements are $2.00 per word for non-members, and free for VSB members with your bar ID#. As a service to our members, there is no charge for advertisements up to 50 words for full-time lawyer job openings. Ads may run online in conjunction with the contracted print issues as space permits. 

Links to your own website are available at no extra cost. Ads will post for 30 days, and can be removed at your request before the end of the 30-day period, but fee is not reduced. Contact Dee Norman at the Virginia State Bar for classified ads at (804) 775-0594 or editor.

Magazine Ad Rates

Our rate card includes the interactive digital editions with links to advertisers' websites. If you would like to advertise in Virginia Lawyer, please contact Dee Norman at [email protected], or (804) 775-0594.

Agency Commission

Recognized advertising agencies are allowed a commission rate of 15% if paid within 30 days of the publication date.

Payment Terms

All invoices are Net 30. The publisher reserves the right to remove the insertions of a delinquent account from the publication schedule.

Advertising Specifications and Deadlines


Virginia Lawyer is a four-color glossy magazine, published in February, April, June, August, October, and December.


Virginia Lawyer contains at least sixteen pages of four-color printing.

Artwork and Mechanical Requirements

Electronic ad submissions as press-ready PDF files are preferred. High-resolution jpg, png, and tiff can be accepted. See the display rates for exact display ad measurements.

If you are not using an ad agency or design firm to produce your ad, you may inquire about advertising setup by the Virginia State Bar Communications Department.

The magazine is printed on web presses and has saddlestitch binding.
Bleeds are accepted. Bleed size is 1/8 inch in addition to the trim.

Trim size: 8 1/4" x 10 3/4"
Live matter: 7 3/4" x 10 1/4"
Full-page bleed: 8 1/2" x 11"

Electronic File Requirements

Press-ready PDF and EPS files are accepted by email. Please call or email to confirm your files were received and not blocked by our security filter.

When an advertiser sends a PDF file, it should be considered final. It is in the best interest of the advertiser to submit a file that does not need to be altered. All images and logos should be high-resolution and fonts should be embedded. It is crucial that black text and large black solids be black ink only and use not CMYK, RGB, Pantone, or Indexed color.

The optimum resolution is 266 ppi (2 x 133 = 266). The maximum resolution is 400 ppi (3 x 133 = 399). Low-resolution images will look fuzzy or pixelated. Images with excessive resolution can look muddy. Line art must have a much higher resolution than continuous tone-type subjects. The rule-of-thumb for line art scans is that the resolution should be no less than 600 ppi, optimally should be 1200 ppi, and should not exceed 2400 ppi.

Designers should prepare PDF files using Acrobat Distiller to embed fonts, include press-ready images, and flatten transparency. You may select all type, convert to outline, and save as an EPS. Use PDF/X-1a if you have that option.

Color proofs are required for four-color ads if color is critical.

We will run a preflight on your ad and let you know if there are any problems.

Closing Dates for Advertising
Issue Space Materials
February December 19 January 10
April February 19 March 9
June April 19 May 10
August June 21 July 10
October August 20 September 9
December October 18 November 8

Issues Prior to October 2011

Issues Prior to October 2011 go back to April 2005 in PDF. These PDFs were not exported for interactive view, and the original design file is no longer able to open with modern software. For issues prior to April 2005, contact the Communications department for a scan of archived print copies.

Available Issues