The Third Panel: Keeping the Pipeline Flowing and Employment Best Practices

Posted on 11/22/2019
Both attorneys and employers need to actively participate in improving diversity in the legal profession. A panel discussed how minority attorneys can advance personal success, positively impact law, and improve the administration of justice.

The First Panel: Implicit Bias and its Effect on Lawyers

Posted on 11/22/2019
While often completely unintentional, this implicit bias can seriously affect the quality of justice. A panel at the Forum explored the concept of implicit bias and its impact on the legal profession.

The Fourth Panel: How Many Sexes can Stand Under Title VII’s Umbrella

Posted on 11/22/2019
The United States Supreme Court just heard arguments in three employment cases next session: Bostock v. Clayton County, Zarda v. Altitude Express Inc., and EEOC v. R.G. & G.R.

The Second Panel

Posted on 11/22/2019
The differing abilities and needs of our citizenry now significantly affect a lawyer’s professional and ethical obligations in communicating with and representing clients, interactions with the court and juries, litigation, and public service.

The Second Annual Forum on Diversity Builds on Success to Engage the Bar

Posted on 11/22/2019
The Annual Forum sold out three weeks before the event. Over 120 people attended the event at William and Mary Law School.

A Call to Serve: Remembering the Commonwealth's Rural Poor

Posted on 6/5/2019
An attorney’s decision to serve, or if unable to serve, then to donate in support of legal aid organizations, has the potential to set into motion a course of events that could alter the trajectory of the person being represented.

Pre-Law Institute Wins National Award

Posted on 6/5/2019
The Oliver Hill/Samuel Tucker Pre-Law Institute won first place in the 2019 Embracing Diversity Challenge hosted by the American Bar Association (ABA) Young Lawyers Division.

The Autism Spectrum and the Legal Process an Overview

Posted on 6/5/2019
Exemplary legislation requires officers to allow the presence of support professionals—irrespective of the presence of counsel— when interviewing Autistic victims and suspects.

Lack of Adequate Legal Services for the Disabled

Posted on 5/24/2019
Whether intentionally or negligently, we have failed to create administrative and judicial systems willing to believe and sufficiently accommodate disabled individuals.

Keeping the Pipeline Flowing

Posted on 5/6/2019
The third panel at the forum focused on personal success with careers in the law. Numerous topics were discussed, such as how to include diversity and inclusion in your everyday actions in the firm.