Seasonal Affective Disorder

Posted on 12/10/2021
The holidays can be tough, especially during a global pandemic. Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as “SAD”) can contribute to feelings of sadness and loneliness. Here are some tips to help get you through the “winter blues.”

Call for Young Lawyers to Join their Practice Area Sections

Posted on 11/10/2021
I invite a young lawyer to consider this $20.00 monetary value as one important business lunch cost that can take the young attorney a long way towards further success.

Ending on a Good Note

Posted on 11/10/2021
Have you ever considered sending a letter when the tasks set forth in your engagement letter are completed and, therefore, your representation has concluded?

Tried and True: The Tickler File

Posted on 10/27/2021
Even with hundreds of different cloud-based and online options to keep your law firm organized and running smoothly, many lawyers still prefer the feel of a file when heading into the courtroom.

Balancing out the Time at Your Desk

Posted on 6/23/2021
Sunlight makes you happier, helps you sleep better, strengthens you bones, can help prevent cancer, improves skin conditions, and may even ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease – according to the internet.

Coming Soon!

Posted on 6/23/2021
As the YLC enters a new bar year we wanted to inform and update everyone about the new changes that we have been working on over at the Docket Call.

Expert Engagement Tips

Posted on 6/23/2021
In my experience, young attorneys are often responsible for managing experts. This can be a large responsibility.

Welcome Back, PDC!

Posted on 6/23/2021
The Professional Development Conference (“PDC”) returned this year with a virtual bang. First introduced in 2001, the PDC was uniquely tailored to meet the burgeoning professional needs of newly admitted attorneys with a focus on practical tips.

The Practical Uses of a Demurrer

Posted on 3/5/2021
Few things excite civil defense lawyers more than a demurrable complaint. As a newly minted lawyer, every time I would read a complaint, I would constantly think about what parts might be demurrable and how I might get the case dismissed outright.

Taking On Your First Pro Bono Case

Posted on 2/26/2021
Many younger attorneys are interested in taking on pro bono work, but are not sure how to get started or worry that they are not qualified.