Conferences of the Bar

There are four conferences that serve large factions of the Bar's interest groups and work to meet the Bar's mission and goals. Membership in each of the conferences is free. The Young Lawyers Conference and the Senior Lawyer Conference have automatic membership enrollment for lawyers in the Commonwealth who meet their membership profile. Lawyers interested in joining a local or specialty bar association should contact the individual association directly. Anyone interested in joining the Diversity Conference may reach out to the conference liaison.

Conference of Local and Specialty Bar Associations

The conference was established to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between the VSB and the local and specialty bar associations in the Commonwealth.

Diversity Conference

The Diversity Conference brings together VSB members interested in increasing diversity in the legal profession and ensuring that Virginia meets the legal needs of an increasingly diverse population.

Senior Lawyers Conference

The Senior Lawyers Conference is composed of all active and associate VSB members in good standing, age 55 and older, and focuses on issues of interest to senior lawyers and promotion of the welfare of senior Virginians.

Young Lawyers Conference

The Young Lawyers Conference is composed of all active and associate VSB members in good standing, age 36 and under, as well as those members admitted to the VSB as their initial bar for fewer than three years.